• 3,131,282+ Podcasts opportunities

  • 31,228+ Media Outlets opportunities

  • 18,037+ Speaking Gigs

Got Questions?

Do we pay extra for more people?

No. Unlike most booking software, we don't charge you based on how many team members you add. 5 users or 50, the price is the same. Your team shares pitches across the account.

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes. You can cancel anytime. Just click the cancel button. That's it. There's no minimum contract for PitchDB — cancel at any time without penalty or hassle.

If I use my PitchDB ProActive Credits too quickly can I buy more?

Yes. If you use all of your monthly allotted pitch credits, you can purchase ProActive credit bundles to refill your account. The ProActive credits purchased in bundles roll over to the next month.

Can I send pitches with a free account?

Yes. If you have a PitchDB Passive account (free) you can purchase pitch credit bundles that can be used to reach out proactively just like PitchDB Proactive clients do. But, it will be a significantly higher price than a PitchDB ProActive subscription on a per-credit basis.

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